I grew up in Bali - which is an amazing place to live in that phase of life - but it’s a very transient place. By that I mean in terms of general travellers, but also in the sense that all my friends were mixed kids, and eventually we all were going to leave the island to either find amazing new places to start our adult lives, or to explore the ‘other sides’ of ourselves.
We knew keeping constant, updated contact long-distance would be hard, so me and one of my core group of friends decided to have a little YouTube channel where we would make these little fun vlogs to show each other how our day-to-day lives look like.
These videos are nothing fancy - they’re pretty poorly edited and not of the best quality, but (at least for me) fun to watch and have a little laugh at :)) Having them on this page is a good way to keep me accountable to continue posting and doing something I enjoy. And, maybe my editing skills will gradually get better in the future…